I-Polyteether Tect TPU-M Series / Polycarbonate Granule / Iplastiki yeplastiki yeplastiki / i-TPU yePlasitiki yePriet
Malunga ne-TPU
I-Thermoplastic Polyurthane Elastomer (i-TPU) luhlobo lwe-elastomer enokuthi ifakwe ngokufudumeza kwaye ichithwe nge-solvent. Inepropathi ebanzi egqwesileyo efana namandla aphezulu, ubunzima obuphakamileyo, budlela ukunganyangeki kunye nokuchasana kweoyile. Inendlela yokusebenza kakuhle kwaye isetyenziswa ngokubanzi kwi-Tevelour, ezonyango, ukutya kunye namanye amashishini. I-Thermoplastic Polyurethane ineentlobo ezimbini: uhlobo lwePolyester kunye nohlobo lwePolyetter, i-Shirical Spirical Spirical okanye i-Shirical Spirical Spines okanye i-Collowlow Spines, kunye noxinano yi-1.10 ~ 1.25G / CM3. Ukuxinana kwesihlobo sohlobo lwePolyber kuncinci kunelo yohlobo lwePolyester. The glass transition temperature of polyether type is 100.6~106.1℃, and the glass transition temperature of polyester type is 108.9~122.8℃. The brittleness temperature of polyether type and polyester type is lower than -62℃, and the low temperature resistance of polyether type is better than that of polyester type. Iimpawu ezibalaseleyo zePolytolomers zePormopastic ze-Elastolimes zinxibe ngokuchasene nokunganyangeki kwe-ozone egqwesileyo, ubunzima obunamandla, ukumelana kweoyile ephantsi, ukumelana kweoyile ephantsi, ukumelana nokusingqongileyo kwezeoyile, ukumelana nokusingqongileyo kweoyile, ukumelana nokusingqongileyo kwezesimo yeekhemikhali kunye nokuchasana kwekhemikhali. Uhlaselo lwe-hydrolytic lohlobo lwe-sterter lungaphezulu kakhulu kunaleyo yohlobo lwe polyester.
Ithegi yendlebe yezilwanyana, izixhobo zemidlalo, i-hose yomlilo, iityhubhu, i-flexitank, i-wire kunye nentambo, ilaphu, ifilimu, njl
Iipropathi | Umgangatho | Iyunithi | M370 | M380 | M385 | M390 | M395 |
Ubunzima | I-ASTM D2240 | Unxweme A / D | I-75 / - | I-80 / - | 85 / - | I-92 / - | I-95 / - |
Ukuxinana | I-ASTM D792 | g / cm³ | 1.10 | 1.19 | 1.19 | 1.20 | 1.21 |
I-100% imodyuli | I-ASTM D412 | Mpa | 3.5 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 13 |
I-300% imodyuli | I-ASTM D412 | Mpa | 6 | 10 | 10 | 13 | 26 |
Tensile strength | I-ASTM D412 | Mpa | 23 | 30 | 32 | 34 | 39 |
I-Elongition kwikhefu | I-ASTM D412 | % | I-700 | I-900 | I-650 | I-500 | I-450 |
Amandla eendaba | I-ASTM D624 | Kn / m | 65 | 70 | 90 | I-100 | 115 |
Tg | I-DSC | ℃ | -45 | -45 | -45 | -45 | -45 |
Ezi xabiso zingentla ziboniswa njengamaxabiso aqhelekileyo kwaye akufuneki zisetyenziswe njengokhetho.
25kg / ibhegi, i-1000kg / iPallet okanye i-1500kg / ipallet, iPallet yePlasi yePlasi yePlasi yePlasitiki

Ukuphatha kunye nokugcinwa
1. Kunqande ukuphefumla i-subrm ye-thermal yenkcitho kunye neempuphu
I-2. Izixhobo zokuPhatha eziPhathisiweyo zinokubangela uthuli. Kulumkele ukuphefumla uthuli.
3. Sebenzisa iindlela ezifanelekileyo zokuphononongwa xa uphatha le mveliso ukuphepha iindleko ze-elektrostatic
I-4. Iipellets phantsi zinokutyibilika kwaye zibangele
Iingcebiso zokugcina: ukugcina umgangatho wemveliso, imveliso yemveliso kwindawo epholileyo neyomileyo. Gcina kwisitya esitywiniweyo.